Thursday 17 February 2011

Microtectonics Course 2011

A four day course in Microtectonics will take place from 14th to 17th March 2011 at the University of Mainz, Germany. Teacher will be Prof. Cees Passchier. The course will follow the content of the book "Microtectonics" (Passchier and Trouw 2005) and will consist of lectures and a microscope practical, using the Mainz collection of 200 thin sections with examples of various microstructures. Participation fee is 350 Euros, to be transferred or paid on arrival. Participants should organize their own accommodation in Mainz. For registration, please contact Anja Boehm at: anja.boehm(at)
Those who wish to purchase a copy of the "Microtectonics" book for a discount price of 50€ should indicate so when registering.

(From Anja Boehm, sent to the Geo-Tectonics list)

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Microdynamics of Ice (Micro-DICE)

"Microdynamics of Ice (Micro-DICE)" is a Research Network Programme, funded for 5 years by the European Research Foundation. The programme funds conferences, sessions at conferences (like next EGU-meeting in Vienna) and especially workshops and short- and exchange visits.

Please check to see calls for applications to fund workshops (about 8000 € per workshop) and travel grants, especially for students and young researchers. Next deadline is end of February, but calls will be repeated every few months.
Send an email to if you want to be on the email list to keep informed of the latest activities.

The aim of Micro-DICE is to advance our knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of ice, based on the philosophy that:
-   The predictive value of (geophysical) models of ice behaviour under changing conditions relies on a correct description of ice properties.
-   Grain-scale processes (microstructure) strongly influence the properties of ice, and hence,
-   better understanding of dynamic grain-scale processes in ice is needed.

Upcoming activities:
4 April: Session CR1.30 "Ice and its microstructure: commonalities and differences" at the EGU-Meeting, Vienna, Austria
8-11 May: Workshop on "Microdynamic Modelling of Ice and related materials", Glasgow, UK
7-9 November: Conference on "Ice deformation: from the model material to ice in natural environments", Grenoble, France

(From Paul Bons, sent to the Geo-Tectonics list)

Tuesday 1 February 2011

"Dynamic Topography - a key surface record of deep Earth processes" conference

(From the Geo-Tectonics list)

Conference to be held at Burlington House, September 1-2, 2011
(GeolSoc Lecture Theatre; Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG)

Meeting arranged by the Geological Society, British Geophysical Association and Royal Astronomical Society, and  bringing together geologists, geomorphologists and geophysicists seeking to understand how processes operating within the mantle interact with those acting on the surface to shape the Earth’s topography and control sediment and geochemical flux.
Keynote speakers:
Michael Gurnis, Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
Alessandro Forte, Université du Québec à Montréal,
Canada Invited speakers:
Carolina Lithogow-Bertelloni, University of College London, UK
Jean Braun, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
Hans-Peter Bunge, Ludwig-Maximillians Universitat Munich, Germany
Evgene Burov, Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris, France
Reiner Rummel, Technische Universitat Munich, Germany
Tony Watts, University of Oxford, UK
Nicky White, University of Cambridge, UK
Roderick Brown, University of Glasgow, UK
Patience Cowie, University of Bergen, Norway
Stewart Fishwick, University of Leicester, UK
Gregory Houseman, University of Leeds, UK
Michael Kendall, University of Bristol, UK
Nicky White, University of Cambridge, UK

Further information:

Georgina Worrall
The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BG

Conference on interrelationships between deformation and metamorphism

(From the Geo-Tectonics list, sent by Domingo Aerden [University of Granada] and Scott Johnson [University of Maine])

The Interrelationships Between Deformation and Metamorphism
to be held at Granada (Spain), from  23-26 May, 2011.
The meeting will mark the occasion of the retirement of professor Tim H. Bell. A special volume is planned to be published by the Journal of Metamorphic Geology.
The period for REGISTRATION AND ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is now open. Please visit the conference web site for more information about research topics, preliminary conference program, online registration and abstract submission.

Deadline for early registration and abstract submission: 15 April, 2011
Cost of registration: 150€
Students: 100€

We hope to see you all at Granada! Best regards