But never is to late, as they say, and I have in my bookmarks a very interesting link that you may find useful for yourself or your students, if that is the case: the website of Dr. Patrice Rey, from the School of Geosciences of the University of Sidney.
I guess the website is not very updated, at least in some sections, and I haven't found the way to access the following sections from his homepage, but nevermind, as here you have the direct link to them. He has two teaching modules, organised in the style of an online presentation, with very clear explanations and beautiful graphics:

"Module 1" focusses on thermo-mechanics of lithospheric deformation, with the following sections: Course Outlines, Driving Forces, Isostasy & Gravitational Forces, Heat and Temperature, Continental Geotherms, Thermal Consequences of Lithospheric Deformation, Rheology and Lithospheric Strength y References.
"Module 2" focusses on tectonics, with the following chapters: Course Outlines, Introduction, Finite Strain Analysis, Convergence & Shortening, Divergence & Extension, Gravity Driven Deformation, Transcurrent Tectonics, Finite Strain Field Interferences and References.
So, run to visit the website, and write Patrice if you like it. Surely he likes to see that his online work is not only useful for his students!