Sunday 22 November 2009

Interview with Dr. Randy Marrett

If you regularly read this blog (I guess that is something boring, because I don't regularly upgrade it...), you have noticed that I have changed, once again, the layout of the page. Well, this time is quite a definitive change, I like it now, finally. It is clear and neat. Please, allow me a few days to make all work properly!.

I have thought that it would be interesting to put in the right side bar some videos from time to time related with structural geology. I will start this series of videos with an interview with Dr. Randy Merrett, associate professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Texas.

As the introduction of the video states:

Dr. Marrett's research concentrates on deformation processes in the upper continental crust where folds, faults, and opening-mode fractures are the most important products. This work is applicable to a wide range of human concerns such as natural hazards (e.g., earthquakes, volcanoes) and the flow of fluids through rock (e.g., hydrocarbons, water, contaminants). Some common themes that relate his disparate interests are quantitative field observations and analysis, especially using techniques that address spatial and size scaling of structures. Dr. Marrett currently has on-going projects that address active faulting and geyser eruption patterns in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile, detachment folding and curved orogenic belt development in the Sierra Madre Oriental of Mexico, and opening-mode fracturing in numerous areas.

Quite basic, but always useful for forwarding it to people who want to know more about what we do.

Enjoy it!

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