Wednesday 27 May 2009

Graphical templates for Structural Geology

We all need from time to time to print a stereographic projection net, a Kalsbeek counting net or a rose diagram. Courtesy of Holcombe, Coughlin & Associates ( today we bring you a document (pdf format) with several graphical templates for structural geology (and mineralogy too!):
The content of the document includes the following diagrams:
Stereographic projection nets (several sizes, 20 cm, 15 cm, 10 cm and 5 cm):
- Lambert equal area projection (Schmidt net).
- Polar equal area projection.
- Equal angle projection (Wulff net).
Rose diagram net
Kaalsbeek counting net
A simple but very useful document, as we can have in a single pdf all the basic diagrams we can need in the field. Now print it and start to plot data!


Unknown said...

I recently helped my son make a presentation on an interesting geological theme. We did an excellent job while losing a minimum of time, thanks to good thematic templates This is a good way for those who value their time.

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